Dear Members
I am taking this opportunity to highlight the COVID-19 crisis again, that is impacting on us as charter skippers and the effect it has and will have for some time on our business.
We are at this time exploring many avenues to see where we might secure funding/grants for you so that you can get through the season and following season.
The main reason for this communication is to remind you that we are banned due to HSE regulations from operating as charter skippers for now. We are seeking funding / compensation for our losses on that basis. Working at this time could bring the ICSA into disrepute and members should not operate a charter until lockdown is lifted.
Be mindful too that we are licensed operators, have you heard in the news that a couple of pubs failed to close? An garda siochana stated that those publicans found to have breached HSE regulations, when they come to renew their licenses the issue of not closing when asked will be raised as an objection for their renewal. Members should keep this in mind if tempted to operate their charter business before lockdown is lifted.
Keep safe and well.
Donal Kennedy
Chairman I.C.S.A.
I am taking this opportunity to highlight the COVID-19 crisis again, that is impacting on us as charter skippers and the effect it has and will have for some time on our business.
We are at this time exploring many avenues to see where we might secure funding/grants for you so that you can get through the season and following season.
The main reason for this communication is to remind you that we are banned due to HSE regulations from operating as charter skippers for now. We are seeking funding / compensation for our losses on that basis. Working at this time could bring the ICSA into disrepute and members should not operate a charter until lockdown is lifted.
Be mindful too that we are licensed operators, have you heard in the news that a couple of pubs failed to close? An garda siochana stated that those publicans found to have breached HSE regulations, when they come to renew their licenses the issue of not closing when asked will be raised as an objection for their renewal. Members should keep this in mind if tempted to operate their charter business before lockdown is lifted.
Keep safe and well.
Donal Kennedy
Chairman I.C.S.A.