Constitution of the Irish Charter Skippers Association
1. Name
1.1 The organisation shall be known as the; Irish Charter Skippers Association (Herein after known as ICSA)
2. Objects
2.1 The object of ICSA shall be to further the interests of and provide a national forum for charter skippers and vessel owners involved (primarily) in the sea angling charter business, in the Republic of Ireland.
2.2 ICSA is committed to encouraging the highest ethical standards. All individuals involved with ICSA should conduct themselves with integrity, transparency, accountability and in a fair and equitable manner.
2.3 The Association shall consist of trustees, hon. officers, committee and members. The Association shall have the following officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership will be for those angling charter boat owners/skippers, whose vessels hold a valid Licence as issued by the relevant Government Department. Membership is also available to skippers/owners who hold a valid commercial B passenger boat licence, or similarly qualified owners /skippers from other activity areas, once it is understood that the main function of ICSA is in the marine sport-fishing area.
3.2 Members shall be drawn from centres located around the coast of the rish Republic with the seven fisheries Board regions used to determine geographical representation.
Two delegates will be elected by the membership in each region to serve on a national executive committee with voting rights bestowed on one of the delegates from each region.
3.2.1. Any region may co-opt as a representative to a maximum representation of two per region any other member of the ICSA, by notifying same to the Chairman in writing. No additional voting rights will ensue from this.
3.3 Members shall pay a Membership fee as fixed at each Annual General Meeting. ICSA in General Meetings may also require Members to contribute to funds by way of a special levy.
3.4 All members joining ICSA shall be deemed to accept the terms of this Constitution and any Bye-laws adopted, in particular without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the requirement to conduct themselves in accordance with ICSA's ethical fraemwork and bye-laws as to discipline set out therein.
3.5 Any person seeking to join ICSA shall submit an application to the Executive Committee, through the relevant regional delegate(s). Members shall be admitted by the Executive Committee and membership is open to all applicants who qualify under 3.1. and no application will be refused on other than reasonable grounds.
4. Management
4.1 The affairs of ICSA shall be conducted by an Executive Committee who shall be elected annually by each region as defined in 3.2 above.
The Regional elections shall take place prior to the AGM and the two delegates (one voting and one non voting) shall be made known to the outgoing Executive. A notice must be sent by the Executive Committee to all members in a region, at least 14 days before their regional vote.
4.2 The Officers of ICSA, who shall be honorary, and elected at the first Executive Committee meeting after the AGM shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. If any officer post or committee seat should fall vacant the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the next Regional or National AGM.
4.3 All Officers of ICSA shall also be trustees ex officiis of the Association, who shall hold any property belonging to ICSA in their name and shall further be entitled to sue and be sued on behalf of ICSA as trustees ex officiis. They shall all be entitled to personal indemnity out of the funds of the ICSA where they are acting in their capacity as bona fide officers of that Association.
4.4 The Executive Committee shall have full power to deal with all matters relating to ICSA not reserved to a General Meeting in terms of this Constitution, including power to make public and enforce such bye-laws as the committee feel necessary to govern the activities of the members.
4.5 The Executive Committee reserve the right to seek external advice as and when required.
5. General Meetings
5.1 ICSA shall hold an Annual General Meeting in the month of February each year to;
· Approve the minutes of the previous years AGM.
· Receive reports from the Honorary Chairman and Honorary Secretary.
· Receive a report from the Honorary Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts.
· Receive a report from those responsible for certifying the ICSA accounts.
· Confirm the new Executive Committee.
· Appoint auditors responsible to certify the coming year’s accounts.
· Fix the subscription for the ensuing year.
· Consider changes to the Constitution.
· Review and consider any Bye-laws
· Deal with other relevant business
5.2 Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by an application in writing to the Secretary supported by at least 10% of the total ICSA membership. The Executive Committee shall also have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting by decision of a simple majority of the voting members of the Committee.
5.3 Notices
At least 14 days’ notice and the Agenda shall be given to all voting members of any General Meeting. No business shall be conducted unless fair notice thereof is contained in the Agenda.
5.4 Voting
With the exception of changes to the ICSA Constitution, decisions put to a vote shall be resolved by simple majority at General Meetings. The Chairman shall hold a deliberative as well as a casting vote at general and committee meetings, in each case at the time the meeting commences its business.
5.5 Quora
The quorum at General Meetings shall be 25% of the membership and quorum for Committee meetings shall be 50% of elected members.
· Any change to the Constitution of ICSA shall require a two thirds’ majority of those present, eligible to vote and voting at a General Meeting.
· A proposal to change the Constitution of ICSA must be submitted in writing to the Secretary who shall circulate the proposal to all members and allow seven days for submission of any amendments before calling a meeting in accordance with rule 5.3 above.
· All proposals for change to the Constitution of ICSA shall be signed by two members eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
6. Finance and Accounts
6.1 The financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December each year.
6.2 The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for preparation of annual accounts of ICSA.
6.3 The Accounts shall be certified by an appropriate auditor elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
6.4 All cheques drawn against ICSA funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other nominated office-bearer.
6.5 All members of ICSA shall be jointly and severally responsible for the financial liabil-ities of the organisation.
7. Dissolution
7.1 ICSA is a non-profit making organisation. Any profits, surpluses or property will be distributed to another non-profit making organisation such as the Lifeboat Institution on the winding up or dissolution of ICSA.
8. Commencement
The ICSA comes into being on 23rd April, 2008 and the above rules come into effect on and from that date.
Donal Kennedy Luke Aston
Chairman Secretary
1.1 The organisation shall be known as the; Irish Charter Skippers Association (Herein after known as ICSA)
2. Objects
2.1 The object of ICSA shall be to further the interests of and provide a national forum for charter skippers and vessel owners involved (primarily) in the sea angling charter business, in the Republic of Ireland.
2.2 ICSA is committed to encouraging the highest ethical standards. All individuals involved with ICSA should conduct themselves with integrity, transparency, accountability and in a fair and equitable manner.
2.3 The Association shall consist of trustees, hon. officers, committee and members. The Association shall have the following officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership will be for those angling charter boat owners/skippers, whose vessels hold a valid Licence as issued by the relevant Government Department. Membership is also available to skippers/owners who hold a valid commercial B passenger boat licence, or similarly qualified owners /skippers from other activity areas, once it is understood that the main function of ICSA is in the marine sport-fishing area.
3.2 Members shall be drawn from centres located around the coast of the rish Republic with the seven fisheries Board regions used to determine geographical representation.
Two delegates will be elected by the membership in each region to serve on a national executive committee with voting rights bestowed on one of the delegates from each region.
3.2.1. Any region may co-opt as a representative to a maximum representation of two per region any other member of the ICSA, by notifying same to the Chairman in writing. No additional voting rights will ensue from this.
3.3 Members shall pay a Membership fee as fixed at each Annual General Meeting. ICSA in General Meetings may also require Members to contribute to funds by way of a special levy.
3.4 All members joining ICSA shall be deemed to accept the terms of this Constitution and any Bye-laws adopted, in particular without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the requirement to conduct themselves in accordance with ICSA's ethical fraemwork and bye-laws as to discipline set out therein.
3.5 Any person seeking to join ICSA shall submit an application to the Executive Committee, through the relevant regional delegate(s). Members shall be admitted by the Executive Committee and membership is open to all applicants who qualify under 3.1. and no application will be refused on other than reasonable grounds.
4. Management
4.1 The affairs of ICSA shall be conducted by an Executive Committee who shall be elected annually by each region as defined in 3.2 above.
The Regional elections shall take place prior to the AGM and the two delegates (one voting and one non voting) shall be made known to the outgoing Executive. A notice must be sent by the Executive Committee to all members in a region, at least 14 days before their regional vote.
4.2 The Officers of ICSA, who shall be honorary, and elected at the first Executive Committee meeting after the AGM shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. If any officer post or committee seat should fall vacant the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the next Regional or National AGM.
4.3 All Officers of ICSA shall also be trustees ex officiis of the Association, who shall hold any property belonging to ICSA in their name and shall further be entitled to sue and be sued on behalf of ICSA as trustees ex officiis. They shall all be entitled to personal indemnity out of the funds of the ICSA where they are acting in their capacity as bona fide officers of that Association.
4.4 The Executive Committee shall have full power to deal with all matters relating to ICSA not reserved to a General Meeting in terms of this Constitution, including power to make public and enforce such bye-laws as the committee feel necessary to govern the activities of the members.
4.5 The Executive Committee reserve the right to seek external advice as and when required.
5. General Meetings
5.1 ICSA shall hold an Annual General Meeting in the month of February each year to;
· Approve the minutes of the previous years AGM.
· Receive reports from the Honorary Chairman and Honorary Secretary.
· Receive a report from the Honorary Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts.
· Receive a report from those responsible for certifying the ICSA accounts.
· Confirm the new Executive Committee.
· Appoint auditors responsible to certify the coming year’s accounts.
· Fix the subscription for the ensuing year.
· Consider changes to the Constitution.
· Review and consider any Bye-laws
· Deal with other relevant business
5.2 Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by an application in writing to the Secretary supported by at least 10% of the total ICSA membership. The Executive Committee shall also have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting by decision of a simple majority of the voting members of the Committee.
5.3 Notices
At least 14 days’ notice and the Agenda shall be given to all voting members of any General Meeting. No business shall be conducted unless fair notice thereof is contained in the Agenda.
5.4 Voting
With the exception of changes to the ICSA Constitution, decisions put to a vote shall be resolved by simple majority at General Meetings. The Chairman shall hold a deliberative as well as a casting vote at general and committee meetings, in each case at the time the meeting commences its business.
5.5 Quora
The quorum at General Meetings shall be 25% of the membership and quorum for Committee meetings shall be 50% of elected members.
· Any change to the Constitution of ICSA shall require a two thirds’ majority of those present, eligible to vote and voting at a General Meeting.
· A proposal to change the Constitution of ICSA must be submitted in writing to the Secretary who shall circulate the proposal to all members and allow seven days for submission of any amendments before calling a meeting in accordance with rule 5.3 above.
· All proposals for change to the Constitution of ICSA shall be signed by two members eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
6. Finance and Accounts
6.1 The financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December each year.
6.2 The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for preparation of annual accounts of ICSA.
6.3 The Accounts shall be certified by an appropriate auditor elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
6.4 All cheques drawn against ICSA funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other nominated office-bearer.
6.5 All members of ICSA shall be jointly and severally responsible for the financial liabil-ities of the organisation.
7. Dissolution
7.1 ICSA is a non-profit making organisation. Any profits, surpluses or property will be distributed to another non-profit making organisation such as the Lifeboat Institution on the winding up or dissolution of ICSA.
8. Commencement
The ICSA comes into being on 23rd April, 2008 and the above rules come into effect on and from that date.
Donal Kennedy Luke Aston
Chairman Secretary