Reply received from the Tuna CHART Group, which agreed to permit two of three new angling methods.
Click HERE to read letter (opens a new window)
Click HERE to read letter (opens a new window)
Irish Charter Skippers Association |
Reply received from the Tuna CHART Group, which agreed to permit two of three new angling methods.
Click HERE to read letter (opens a new window)
Date/Venue: 4th April 2024, 11am Athlone Springs Hotel 1. Minutes of 2022 AGM 2. Chairpersons Report 3. Election of Officers 4. Feed Back on ICSA / IFI meetings, 5. ICSA position on pollack / voluntary code 6. ICSA position on possible new passenger licence code 7. ICSA position on MPO’s and ORE 8. A.O.B Our next AGM will be held on
Thursday 4th April 2024, 11am at the Athlone Springs Hotel, R362, Monksland, Athlone, Co. Roscommon, N37 F9T3 Agenda will follow shortly. New members are welcome on the day. Please remember your 2024 membership. It is 20 Euro and can be paid on or paid on the day before the AGM. Please can we encourage as many as possible of you to get to a meeting. Spread the word, it is important to ALL charter skippers.
Aims: To discuss current developments/monitoring activity in marine waters Format: Short presentations on each topic below with discussion after each AGENDA Introduction – ICSA/IFI 11:10 – 12:30 Activity under EU Directives/Programmes – IFI
12:30 – 13:30 Current activity in the charter angling sector – ICSA/IFI
Dear Skippers, Please remember to renew your membership for 2024
To renew your membership visit the membership page Membership Dear Members and Delegates, The NMCI Seafarers' Conference 2024 is held on the 22nd February 2024 between 9am and 5pm in the Castletroy Park Hotel, Limerick. You can attend online (tickets to attend in-person are sold out) To reserve a spot to attend online visit the page eventbrite page Link to download the programme: nmci_seafarers_conference_2024_-_programme. Inland fisheries Ireland and the Irish Charter skippers Association had a meeting arranged to discuss current developments / monitoring activity in marine waters. The ICSA was represented by Donal Kennedy (Chair) Luke Aston (Sec) Eamon Hayes and Adrian Molloy This was considered very topical due to all developments around ORE and MPA’s and the recent directive from the EU requiring reporting on all “leisure fishing”. Leisure fishing is a term used in fisheries management that is broader than just sports angling but in the context of a new requirement that all commercial fishing boats under 10mtrs will also have to report all catches, it is a directive that we will have to take seriously as a body representing sports fisherman. Especially in the context of the recent slashing of the TAC for Pollack to commercial boats. It was pointed out that a recent study found that Sea Angling was worth €229 million a year to the Irish economy, so while that figure was vital in defending the fish taken it was felt that there was a big information deficit in the detail of catch rates and areas of activity. It was pointed out that on government websites like marineplan. ie sailing had a big footprint but angling was not even listed. The IFI have been running the IMREC fish catch survey over the last 2 years but like all these things,unless there is enough information gathered, then the results can vary massively depending on the multiplier that is used. There was also a presentation on the Marine sports tagging program and the very useful information that was gathered. But the number of charter skipper involved has fallen from 39 in 2007 to 9 in 2022. It would be a big support if skippers would commit to tagging just 20 fish per year. There was a review of the BFT Chart fisheries and Adrian made some very valid points around the need for this to progress and to offer serious sports fisherman the chance to fish under more normal international practices. It was felt that a latter from the ICSA to the Dear members, Please find attached letter that was send by the ESB Offshore Wind Stakeholder Team. This letter was not sent to all charter skippers and I got one even though after looking at the map I don’t operate the areas marked. I suggest that you download and reply to show solidarity to all charter skippers. Regards, Donal Kennedy Chairman ICSA Click on "Download File" to save it on your device. ![]()