Info about Harbours regarding COVID-19

We received the following information from our Southern Regional Representative John O'Connor on 13th May 2020
A brief outline of the conversations I've had with both Wexford Harbour Master and Dunmore East Harbour Master regarding fees and harbour charges.
The situation in Kilmore Quay is that charges have been waived and the situation will be reviewed at the end of June. This is possible because it is a County Council.
The situation is different in Dunmore East, it is a Fisheries Harbour and thus must abide by the legislation. However, the Harbour Master has informed me that she will only charge a charter boat the minimum charge for entry, which is €17 instead of the anual charge of €1,150. For a charter boat that isn't working this is a good deal.
Other skippers that are having difficulty might find this a useful approach to look for a reduction in dues.
A brief outline of the conversations I've had with both Wexford Harbour Master and Dunmore East Harbour Master regarding fees and harbour charges.
The situation in Kilmore Quay is that charges have been waived and the situation will be reviewed at the end of June. This is possible because it is a County Council.
The situation is different in Dunmore East, it is a Fisheries Harbour and thus must abide by the legislation. However, the Harbour Master has informed me that she will only charge a charter boat the minimum charge for entry, which is €17 instead of the anual charge of €1,150. For a charter boat that isn't working this is a good deal.
Other skippers that are having difficulty might find this a useful approach to look for a reduction in dues.